Is it Cheaper to Build a Greenhouse or Buy a Kit?

In the age-old battle of Build vs. Kit, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. It boils down to your gardening style, budget, and, let’s face it, your patience level. Whichever path you choose, just remember – it’s all about creating a green haven where your plants can thrive.

Is it Cheaper to Build a Greenhouse or Buy a Kit? We've Got the Cost Breakdown - Plus 5 More Ways You Can Save Money on a Small Greenhouse...

So, is it cheaper to build a greenhouse or buy a kit? Let’s cut through the green confusion and talk money…

Cost to Build a Greenhouse VS Small Greenhouse Kits:

Let’s break down the cost comparison between building a 10’x6′ greenhouse with a steel frame and polycarbonate sides/roof versus buying a similar greenhouse kit.

Building Your Own 10’x6′ Steel Frame Greenhouse with Polycarbonate:

Backyard Greenhouse - Should You Buy or Build Your Own?
  1. Materials:
    • Steel Frame: The cost of steel tubing for the frame may vary, but for this example, let’s estimate it at $300.
    • Polycarbonate Panels: Approximately $200 for the sides and roof.
    • Fasteners and Hardware: Budget around $50.
  2. Foundation:
    • Concrete Footings or Slab: Assuming you need a basic concrete foundation, it might cost you about $300.
  3. Doors and Vents:
    • For a 10’x6′ greenhouse, budget around $100 for a door and ventilation system.
  4. Glazing and Sealing:
    • Sealant and glazing materials may cost around $50.
  5. Miscellaneous Costs:
    • You might spend an additional $100 on tools, paint and incidentals.

Total Estimated Cost for Building Your Own: $1,000

Buying a 10’x6′ Greenhouse Kit with Steel Frame and Polycarbonate:

Sturdy Aluminum Greenhouse Frame that Buries into Ground for More Strength and Support
  1. Greenhouse Kit:
    • Greenhouse kits of this size and material can range in price, but let’s estimate it at $1,500 for a mid-range kit.
  2. Delivery:
    • Shipping costs vary, but for a kit of this size, expect around $200 for delivery.

Total Estimated Cost for Buying a Kit: $1,700

Cost Comparison Summary:

  • Building Your Own: $1,000
  • Buying a Kit: $1,700

In this specific example, building your own 10’x6′ steel frame greenhouse with polycarbonate sides/roof would cost you approximately $1,000, whereas buying a similar greenhouse kit would cost around $1,700. Psst. We’ve found less expensive models here.

Note: Building your own provides potential cost savings, but it requires more effort, time and DIY skills. Buying a kit offers convenience and may include additional features, but it tends to be slightly more expensive. Your choice should consider your budget, time availability and construction skills.

The Pros & Cons of Building Your Own Greenhouse…


Man with Tools in Backyard Building a Greenhouse

1. Customization Galore: When you build from scratch, it’s like a botanical blank canvas. You call the shots – the size, shape, materials; it’s all up to you. Although not recommended as much for long-term durability, you can also construct the frame from wood.

2. Cost Control: Ever heard the saying, “money doesn’t grow on trees?” Well, it doesn’t magically sprout in your greenhouse either. Building your own can save you some serious green.

3. Personal Satisfaction: Remember building forts as a kid? Now imagine doing it as an adult. That’s what constructing your greenhouse feels like – satisfying, nostalgic, and a little sweaty.


1. Time is Money: Building your own oasis takes time. Don’t expect it to pop up overnight; you’ll need patience and time management skills.

2. DIY Skills Required: It’s not for the faint of heart. If your idea of DIY is assembling IKEA furniture, brace yourself for a learning curve.

3. Room for Errors: Mistakes happen. Building your greenhouse means the potential for costly blunders. So, if this happens, is it really cheaper to build a greenhouse or buy a kit?

Advantages & Disadvantages of Buying a Greenhouse Kit…


1. Convenience is King: Greenhouse kits are the fast-food equivalent of horticultural havens. No need to plan it all out; it’s served on a silver platter.

2. Instructions Included: The Yellow Brick Road has nothing on the assembly instructions that come with greenhouse kits. Follow the steps, and you’re good to grow.

3. Support System: Stuck? Call customer support. They’ve heard it all, and they’re ready to rescue your greenhouse dreams.

Small Polycarbonate Greenhouse Kit in Sunny Garden


1. The Price Tag: Convenience comes at a cost. Kits can be a tad pricey. But hey, that’s the price of shortcuts.

2. Limited Customization: If you’re the type who insists on a specific shade of green for your frame, prepare to compromise. Kits come with certain limitations.

3. Assemble It Yourself: Kits aren’t magic; assembly is required. You’ll still need a bit of elbow grease.

Innovative Ways to Save Money while Going Green

1. Shop Smart

Woman Assembling Steel Frame of Small Greenhouse Kit

Compare prices and hunt for deals. Buy polycarbonate greenhouse kits on sale. Your wallet will thank you. The market offers a variety of greenhouse options, and by taking the time to research and compare prices, you can often find cost-effective solutions that suit your budget.

Polycarbonate greenhouse kits, in particular, are a popular choice due to their durability and insulation properties. They might come at a higher initial cost, but hunting for sales or discounts can significantly reduce that expense.

By doing so, you not only save money but also ensure your investment in a greenhouse becomes a financially responsible decision that your wallet will undoubtedly appreciate in the long run.

2. Hybrid Kits

Look for kits that strike a balance between DIY and pre-built. It’s like having your cake and eating it too. Here are some of the best greenhouse kits I’ve found.

3. Recycle & Reuse

Consider using recycled or salvaged materials. It’s eco-friendly and budget-friendly.

4. Energy Efficiency

Don’t let your greenhouse become an energy-sucking monster. A well-designed greenhouse can save you big bucks on heating and cooling.

By focusing on proper insulation, energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, strategic placement, optimal glazing materials, temperature control and regular maintenance, you can reduce your greenhouse’s energy consumption significantly. This not only benefits your budget but also ensures that your greenhouse operates efficiently while maintaining a stable climate for your plants. So, invest in smart design and technologies that can lead to substantial savings.

Plus, choosing a slightly smaller pre-fab greenhouse kit can cost less to maintain too. Lean-to greenhouses also cost less because, well size, but also they insulate themselves against the side of your house!

5. Power in Numbers

Team up with fellow gardeners for bulk purchases. Bulk buying can trim the fat off your expenses.

In Summary…

The decision between constructing a greenhouse from the ground up or purchasing a pre-made kit is influenced by several elements, including size, materials and labor. But is it really cheaper to build a greenhouse or buy a kit? Crafting a greenhouse from scratch allows for tailored designs but demands more time and expertise. Conversely, kits provide convenience but may impose design limitations. It’s essential to weigh your budget and specific requirements before making a choice.

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