DIY Greenhouse Designs – Kits & Plans to Create Your Own

Are you tired of shelling out your hard-earned cash for store-bought produce? Do you dream of cultivating your own garden-fresh vegetables year-round? Well, the solution might be closer than you think. It’s time to embrace the world of DIY greenhouse designs!

DIY Greenhouse Designs - Create Your Own Greenhouse with DIY Kits and Plans

Building your own greenhouse can be a rewarding project. Plus, you can find numerous DIY greenhouse kits and plans available online, ranging from simple structures to more elaborate ones. Consider factors such as size, materials and climate control when choosing the design that best suits your needs.

Before You Buy a DIY Greenhouse… Do These 7 Steps

Now, let’s talk about the nitty-gritty details for those about to embark on their DIY greenhouse journey. As you shop and compare different kits, plans and structures, consider these factors:

  • Size and location: Look at the available space in your backyard or garden and choose a greenhouse design that fits well. Also, consider the amount of sunlight the location receives throughout the day. What Size Greenhouse Should I Buy?
  • Materials: Decide on the framework style you want to use for your greenhouse. Common options include glass, polycarbonate panels, or plastic film. Each element has its own advantages and disadvantages re: durability, insulation, and cost. Check out the Best Greenhouse Materials here.
What are the Best Greenhouse Materials

  • Structure: Choose a greenhouse assembly that suits your needs and budget. Options range from simple hoop houses to more complex designs with rigid frames.
  • Ventilation: You need proper air flow to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels inside the greenhouse. Make sure to incorporate vents or windows that can provide aeration when needed. Want details? See Greenhouse Ventilation 101.
  • Heating system: Depending on your climate, you may need to install a heating system to keep temperatures stable during colder months. Consider options such as electric heaters or radiant floor heating. For specific strategies, see 8 Ways to heat a Small Greenhouse in Winter.
  • Shelving and storage: Plan for adequate shelving space to maximize growing area within the greenhouse. Additionally, consider incorporating storage areas for tools, pots, and other gardening supplies.

Backyard Greenhouse DIY Kits & Where to Buy Them:

Now, let’s explore some budget-friendly DIY greenhouse ideas, small-scale and portable greenhouse options and sources for DIY greenhouse kits and supplies:

Budget-Friendly Greenhouse Ideas:

Portable Walk-in Hoop House with Doors on Both Ends
  1. The “Hoop House” Design:
    • Hoop houses are cost-effective and relatively simple to construct. They use bent PVC pipes or metal conduit to create a curved frame over which you can drape plastic sheeting or greenhouse film. You can find plans for hoop houses on gardening websites and forums.
  2. Recycled Windows Greenhouse:
    • Salvage old windows from renovation projects or yard sales to create the walls of your greenhouse. This approach not only saves money but also adds a unique, rustic charm to your greenhouse.
  3. Straw Bale Greenhouse Foundation:
    • Instead of pouring a concrete foundation, consider using straw bales to create a raised bed for your greenhouse. This method provides insulation and reduces construction costs.

Small-Scale and Portable Greenhouses:

Pop-up Portable Greenhouse with Roll-Up Windows and Doors
  1. Pop-Up Greenhouses:
    • Pop-up greenhouses are lightweight and easy to erect. Plus, many fit small gardens or balconies and can be found at local garden centers or online retailers like Amazon.
  2. Mini Greenhouse Kits:
    • Mini greenhouse kits are designed for compact spaces. They come in various shapes and sizes, including tabletop models and vertical gardening towers. Look for options from companies like Gardman, Palram, and Ogrow.
  3. Tiered Portable Greenhouses:
    • These compact greenhouses have multiple shelves for plants and can be moved around as needed. Brands like Home-Complete and Best Choice Products offer affordable options.

DIY Greenhouse Kits and Suppliers:

Palram Hybrid Hobby Polycarbonate Greenhouse Kit
  1. Palram Greenhouse Kits:
    • Palram manufactures a variety of greenhouse kits, including smaller models suitable for beginners. Their kits often feature clear polycarbonate panels and aluminum frames.
  2. Harbor Freight Greenhouse Kits:
    • Harbor Freight offers a range of greenhouse kits that include pre-cut materials and components. Their kits are budget-friendly and suitable for DIY enthusiasts.
  3. Gardener’s Supply Company:
    • Gardener’s Supply offers greenhouse kits and supplies, including small-scale options and raised bed greenhouse kits.
  4. Amazon:
    • Amazon provides a vast selection of greenhouse kits, including budget-friendly options. You can find kits from various brands, making it easy to compare prices and features.

Whether you’re working with a tight budget, limited space, or a desire for convenience, these resources and ideas should help you find the perfect DIY greenhouse solution. Get ready to nurture your plants in your very own budget-friendly, small-scale or portable green oasis!

Tips from the Pros on Greenhouse Designs, Kits & Plans:

1. DIY Greenhouses Can Offer More Design Control

Experts say that when you use a DIY greenhouse design, you can expect to have complete control over the materials used and the overall structure of your greenhouse. That’s right; you call the shots. No more settling for cookie-cutter greenhouses that don’t quite fit your gardening ambitions.

Small Polycarbonate Greenhouse Kit in Sunny Garden

2. Save Money by Building the Structure Yourself

Creating a plant nursery can actually cost less than buying a pre-made one. Say goodbye to those overpriced, pre-packaged greenhouses that come with a hefty price tag and questionable quality. DIY means savings.

3. Start with a Simple Greenhouse Design

Now, before rushing to start constructing your garden paradise, remember this: even the most seasoned gardeners were once beginners. Experts suggest that beginners should start with simple designs. Then, you can gradually progress to more complex buidlings as they gain experience. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is the perfect greenhouse.

4. Greenhouses Typically Allow for Customizations

When using a greenhouse design, you can expect customization options. For example, choosing the size, shape and layout of your greenhouse according to your needs and available space. It’s like having a tailor-made suit for your plants, ensuring they thrive in their own green haven.

5. Don’t Forget Ventilation for Your Plants

But here’s a tip for the rookies: don’t forget about proper ventilation. For instance, experts recommend incorporating vents or windows into the design for adequate airflow. After all, plants need fresh air too!

6. Use Polycarbonate or Glass Panels for More Light

Polycarbonate Greenhouse Panels are Durable, Affordable and Offer Insulation

Now, let’s shed some light on another surprise. You might be shocked by how much natural light can enter through properly designed glazing materials like polycarbonate or glass panels. Consequently, this allows for better plant growth without relying heavily on artificial lighting sources.

Let Mother Nature do her job, and watch your plants flourish. Also see: Where to Position your Greenhouse for Maximum Sun.

7. Look into Insulation Options if You Get Cold Temperatures

But what about when the forecast turns frosty? That’s where we turn to insulation. Experts suggest contemplating insulation choices during the design stage, particularly if you intend to utilize your greenhouse throughout the year or in colder regions. Insulation aids in stabilizing temperature changes and shielding plants from severe weather. Insulation helps regulate temperature fluctuations and protects plants from extreme weather. Your plants will be snug as a bug in a rug.

Resources for DIY Greenhouse Plans & Blueprints:

Here are some specific examples, manufacturers, and resources for finding detailed DIY greenhouse plans and blueprints:

  1. Ana White’s Greenhouse Plans:
    • Ana White is a well-known DIY enthusiast who offers free plans for various DIY projects, including greenhouse construction.
  2. Family Handyman’s DIY Greenhouse:
    • Family Handyman provides detailed greenhouse plans with step-by-step instructions, material lists, and diagrams.
  3. Gardener’s Supply Company:
    • Gardener’s Supply offers a range of greenhouse kits and plans suitable for both newbies & pros.
  4. Harbor Freight’s Greenhouse Kits:
    • Harbor Freight offers affordable greenhouse kits that come with assembly instructions and materials.
  5. YouTube Tutorials:
    • YouTube is an encyclopedia of video tutorials on building DIY greenhouses. Channels like “Epic Gardening” and “The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni” often share detailed instructions.
  6. Pinterest:
    • Pinterest is also a platform where many DIY enthusiasts and gardeners share their greenhouse plans and ideas.
  7. Local Gardening Forums and Communities:
    • Lastly, you can check out local gardening forums or social media groups where members may share their own greenhouse plans and experiences. For example, websites like GardenWeb or Reddit’s gardening subreddit can be excellent places to connect with fellow gardeners.

Pros & Cons of DIY Greenhouse Designs

Now, here’s the bottom line: greenhouse designs are a green-thumbed gardener’s best friend. They offer the perfect blend of customization, affordability and also eco-friendliness.


  1. Cost-effective: DIY greenhouses save you money by cutting out labor and markup costs.
  2. Customization: You get to tailor your greenhouse to fit your exact needs.
  3. Learning opportunity: Gain valuable gardening knowledge and skills.
  4. Flexibility: Modify or expand your greenhouse in the future as your gardening empire grows.


  1. Time-consuming: Building from scratch takes time and effort.
  2. Skill level required: More complex designs may demand specialized skills.
  3. Potential mistakes: Without professional guidance, errors can occur.
  4. Limited warranty/support: Don’t expect the same support as with pre-built options.

So, there’s the dirt on DIY greenhouse designs. With a little elbow grease and a dash of green ambition, you can cultivate your own garden sanctuary and enjoy the freshest produce year-round. Happy gardening!

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