Greenhouse Ventilation 101: Essential Tips for New Gardeners

Do you want to improve airflow and air quality in your backyard greenhouse? Good greenhouse ventilation can help you grow healthier plants by controlling the temperature, humidity and minimizing pests.

Ventilation for Greenhouse 101 - Essential Tips for New Gardeners on How to Provide Adequate Air Flow to Plant Nurseries with Solar Greenhouse Fans and More

Why is Ventilation Important in a Greenhouse?

Adequate air flow has a big impact on the plants you grow in your greenhouse. For one, these mini indoor nurseries can quickly become hot and humid in the summertime due to the small enclosed space.

Consequently, your greenhouse can become the perfect breeding ground for insects and diseases. And as a result, plant growth gets stunted, vegetation dies and you end up with a non-producing garden on your hands.

However, in just 3-4 steps (a few hours), you can create a comfortable environment for your garden. One of the most cost-effective ways to boost ventilation in a small enclosed nursery is by installing a solar greenhouse fan.

Solar Greenhouse Ventilation Kit with Solar Panel and Fans, for 200-400 Cubic Foot Backyard Greenhouse

Not only are solar-powered systems eco-friendly, you can buy one for as little as $60-80 (fan and panel combined). Plus solar fans take minimal skill and effort to install. Not to mention, you don’t need to pay for electrical power or extend wiring out to your greenhouse.

Note: This fan runs (and many other like it) very quietly, at 45dB, which emits sound equal to the level of a refrigerator. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about it disturbing you or your neighbors.

Benefits of Solar Greenhouse Fans:

Use Eco-Friendly Solar Power to Power Your Greenhouse Fan - No Electrical Costs & Easy Installation

First, let’s talk about why solar greenhouse fans are such a great option for small plant nurseries. Unlike traditional electric fans, which cost more and require a power source, solar fans can keep a greenhouse cool and comfortable by using the sun’s power.

These fans work by drawing hot air out of your greenhouse and replacing it with fresh, cool air from outside. As a result, you can control the climate inside your nursery, making it optimal for plant growth.

In addition, continuous air flow can prevent the growth of mildew and mold. Therefore, the environment remains healthy for you and your plants with no extra work on your part. After you install the fan, the device automatically does all of the climate control work for you.

How to Set Up a Solar Fan in Your Greenhouse:

20-Watt Solar Greenhouse Fan Kit with Easy Installation for 400 CF Greenhouses

Next, let’s talk about how to set up this solar-powered air flow system. Start by choosing the right location where the solar panel will receive sunlight throughout the day. The more sunlight, the better.

After that, select the correct fan size for your nursery. Each fan will state its air flow rate of cubic feet per minute (CFM).

Note: Simply look for a CFM that equals the size of your greenhouse. For example, a 8′ long by 6′ wide by 8′ tall structure equals 384 cubic feet. Therefore, you want a 400 CFM fan.

Next, it’s time to install your fan. Most solar fans include mounting brackets, so installation a breeze. Just attach the brackets to the side of your greenhouse and mount the fan on top. Make sure to position the fan so that it faces outward, towards the prevailing wind, and then connect the wires from the fan to the panel.

After you’ve completed installation, you can let the fan do its work. I’d suggest checking the unit a few times during the first few weeks to make sure it’s running as you want it to. Plus, you may want to wipe down the solar panel every so often if you see debris or leaves accumulating on the panel.

Note: It’s also a good idea to get a greenhouse kit that has a ventilation window or roof vent already built in. Therefore, you can provide air flow without the fan if needed.

How to Monitor Greenhouse Humidity Levels:

Control Your Greenhouse Climate, Temperature and Humidity with a Thermometer and Hygrometer that Connects to Your Smart phone

You also may want to monitor temperature and humidity levels regularly. You can quickly see the interior climate data using a thermometer and hygrometer, which you can get for under $20. Plus, you can even connect some versions to your smartphone via bluetooth.

If you notice that the temp or humidity levels get and stay too high, you can quickly remedy the issue by increasing the air flow. Or in cases where your plants need more than just ventilation, try using a compact dehumidifier. Therefore, you can turn the situation around before it turns into a potentially big problem.

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